My Name: Laetitia Ng
Yup, I don't have a dialect name, but I do have Chinese name, it's 黄尹, means "to rule". Incidentally my chinese name means: I AM A YELLOW RULER!! ~_~''
How my name was chosen:
Mommy and Daddy had wanted to name me "Lakeisha" until someone suggested "Laetitia" on Mommy's blog, which sounds alike but holds more meanings. Mommy likes it and convinced Daddy to love it too.
As for Chinese name, Daddy wanted 单名. Mommy thought it sounded like name of some China's mainlander, but Daddy got the final say. They seek 外婆 help to look up her book of ancient characters to come up with my Chinese name.
My nickname: piggy or piglet, coz I am born in the year of pig.

I am born on 6th Dec 2007, 9.49pm at Raffles Hospital.
My Weight & Length was: 3.15kg & 51cm respectively
Mommy's first impression of me: A dolly covered with whipped cream!
I was discharged on the 9th Dec 2007, slightly jaundiced, but they said it's common among newly born babies. Mommy tried her best to breastfeed me, unfortunately her production of milk is relatively low; she supplemented me with some formula. After a month, I was total on formula, but heck, I am still healthy and chubby!