Monday, July 28, 2008
Strange Taste
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Karein's Birthday
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I Love Weekends
Like today, we went to 外婆 's house to visit her; the moment I stepped into her house I kept crying becoz I was sleepy. I napped for a while and then woke up to play with doggy, 小碧. There was another dog which was very naughty and fierce, so it was caged up. Mommy says that one is a "tiger"! But I didn't see any strips on it.
When I thought no one is seeing, I tried to pull 小碧 's hair. hehehe...
Friday, July 25, 2008
I am not notty, I am just a baby
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What's for lunch?
I drink about 120-150ml of milk each time, for about 5-6 times thru out 24 hrs. I also eat semi-solid food like rice cereal, pureed fruit & vegetable and porridge for lunch and sometimes when I can't finish all the food, I will have the rest as my dinner.
So far, I will eat most of the stuff, but I kinda hate eating potato and sweet potato. My fav is CARROTS!! I can have carrots with apple or carrots with pumpkin. Or just plain carrots!
In order to cultivate good dinning habits, Mommy will try to put me up on the high-chair when it's time to be fed. Sometimes, I will cooperate, sometimes I make noise about being in it.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I Want Ramen!
The waitress gave us each a menu. I got a menu too. Hehe... :))
Let me study the menu and see what's good to eat.
Daddy said I am too young for any of the food here.
"Hummpf" I sulk :S
And then made so much noise that Daddy & Mommy can't eat in peace.
Hmm... take this promotional leaflet home. Next time when I am old enough to eat ramen I can then use it.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mischief, That's My Middle Name!
"Hey! Look, I can get my hands on the string curtains!"
"Opss... I seems to be caught in a tangle."
"Shit! It's getting my feet too." "Arrgghh... "
"Maybe, I should just focus on getting it off my face first."
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Choleric Baby
1) Sanguines: Cheerful & out-going, loves the attention of having people constantly around them. Tends to be superficial and conceited.
2) Cholerics: High in energy, task oriented and competitive. If energy is not properly release, they would turn their excess energy into pranks & trouble-making.
3)Phlegmetics: Contented, patient and are always balanced. But sometimes they can be lazy, indecisive & complacent.
4) Melancholics: Sensitive, creative and has wonderful imagination. They tends to be moody, hard to please and introverted.
WHAT AM I? I am Choleric!
I must constantly be on the move.
Play this with me now, read that to me later, then jump, then roll, then shout...
Always asking, "What's next? What's next?"
When I get bored, I ripped newspaper.
When I am done ripping up newspaper; I dance on the coffee-table top.
Mommy says I am a Energizer Bunny!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Day at Vivo City
Here is my yummy mommy! Isn't she pretty?
Let me go testing water first. Mommy was worried that Daddy would drop me by accident.