The pool is so BIG!! Yes, I am in the adult pool!!
Woo Hoo!! I guess, I am no longer a baby :)
daddy terence (T), pre-schooler laetitia, toddler leonitus (L) & mommy cindy (C)
The pool is so BIG!! Yes, I am in the adult pool!!
Woo Hoo!! I guess, I am no longer a baby :)
By the time Daddy came to rescue Mommy, I was getting a bit tired. We went to Carrerfour, and they have this very amazing supermarket trolley which feature an infant seat, similar to that of a car seat in reclining position. It was so comfy that I felt asleep soon after.
After supermarket shopping, we went to look for Daddy's friend, Auntie Ivy who was working in the building and while Daddy & Mommy were chatting with Auntie Ivy, I was fidgeting non-stop like a worm. Auntie Ivy thought I might be hungry and recommended Daddy bring us to a Hong Kong-style cafe for dinner on the same building.
The cafe must be very popular, there were SO MANY people! We waited for a while to get our seat. The cafe was buzzing with the voices of many eaters, almost like a school tuckshop.
Although I always get the menu but I was always unable to order what I want. So angry lor! But this time, I got to share the fish congee that Mommy had ordered and on top of that I also drank some spoonful some diluted soya bean milk from her. And the best thing was, when I was given mango for desert, as Daddy ordered this huge Ice Mango thingy shaped like a mountain!
Mommy blamed it on all those sugar-loaded food that I had consumed for the day and being overly stimulated by the effects of the shopping mall. She swears that she would limit my outing to a max of 6 hours in the future.
My "batteries" only fell flat around midnight. By then, Mommy was close to dying of exhaustion. She weighed herself the next day and discovered that lose 1 kg just for bring me out for 2 consecutive days!
Daddy called and said he will meet us there for dinner, so we went for more shopping while waiting for him. When Mommy was looking at clothes in Espirit, I tried to grab anything that was within my reach. Once I got something, I would try to put them in my mouth to have a taste of it.
Finally Daddy had finished his work and came to join us. We went to Cafe Cartel for dinner, because they serve FREE FLOW of home-made bread!! Yummy!!
OK, beside the free-flow of bread, let me see what else I want to order.
Daddy had to fasten me to a high chair after I toppled a glass of water while trying to reach for the menu. Mommy thought Daddy would be mad with me, but look at me, I am so cute! How can anyone be mad with me, let alone Daddy who adores me!
"Waiter, I also want to order!"
Daddy was trying to force me to eat my greens. Yucks, it tasted worst than the leather I had earlier at Espirit!
Complaining to Mommy about how naughty Daddy had been, forcing that piece of leaf into my mouth!
We were on our way home, when Ah Gong called, he said he bought crabs for us, but we had just eaten our dinner. Opss! Sorry, Ah Gong.
But nevertheless, coming to see his little granddaughter was still the top priority on Ah Gong's mind. He must have missed me like crazy because I didn't go over to his house this week as Mommy is at home, and I want to keep her company.
More shopping to come?
You can vote for me in the Baby Category (just click the link).
Or if you find that my Daddy is more irrestible than me, then vote for us in the Family Photos Category instead.
If you need to be sure that I am one of the cutest; to be fair lah, you may first check out all the other photos at Mum Centre before voting for me.
This is me, sandwiched by it.
Let me demonstrated how to leverage on those big cushions to get into a standing position.
The sofa also provided a good place to play hide-and-seek!
Here is a video of me climbing over the smaller cushions to reach Mommy... Actually I was trying to grab that camera of hers.
But yesterday, I rolled off the sofa and the pacifier that I had in my mouth hit my upper lips. The pain was really bad, I screamed my head off. Mommy quickly came to my rescue.
Maybe the sofa is not a very fun place to crawl up & down after all. Now I have bee-stung lips. I think I am resembling some Hollywood actresses who had collagen-injected lips gone wrong!!
I am not a terror or am I abusive towards animal. It's just that I hasn't learn to pat with my hands, but I had already mastered the skill of pulling very well!!
And I am only a very curious baby. :P
Oki, Mommy & Daddy, I love you, don't be angry ok.
Maybe I should say I love this pair of shoes!
OK... I admit, I was a little too obessessed with my shoes!
We took a long ride in Daddy's car before we reached a mall. There were so many people in the mall. There were many Aunties, Uncles, Babies, Children. OMG!!
This was the first time I saw so many heads!!
It turned out that Daddy & Mommy had intented to register me in the "Super Tots" Baby Contest held by MediaCorp because they seriously believed that I am the CUTEST!!
But looking at the number of people attending the event, it seemed really chaotic!! When Mommy and Daddy knew about the queue number; ONE HUNDRED and something!? They decided not to put me through the wait, because I had just recovered from a fever.
Daddy was a little disappointed, because he was certain that his little girl has all the potential to be a star, A SUPERSTAR!!
Well, as for me, I don't think it really matters, I just chilled, cruised around in my stroller. And had great fun stopping the fan with my bare hands, although it irritated the hell out of Mommy!
I am the cutest! And I simply knew it. I don't need external creditial to prove my cuteness! I am sure you would agree with me. >_+
I also want to thank my "piglet" for keeping me company.
And of course, how can I forget Daddy, who vegetated in front of the TV, because I was laying down on his muscular chest, snoring away.
Daddy, I love you too! Come, let's headbutt!
And many well-wishers who emailed or SMS Mommy to send regards or words of advise, especially Mei Ling Mama, thank you!