Mommy made a star chart to help me to learn everyday tasks, like brushing my teeth, eating my meals, changing my clothes and the most dreaded of all - potty training.
It was a hot afternoon, Mommy let me go completely bare-bottomed. She took the potty out of the bathroom and reminded me many times to sit on the potty if I want to poo or pee. I will go sit on it for a while and then proudly declared, "Nothing!" And when I wanted to pee, I hid in my room and pee on the floor. Hahaha...
It drove Mommy mad to her grave and she decided to me back on my diaper.
This is the star chart I told you about. When I completed a row of 6 stars, I can exchange them for sweet or chocolates! So far, all categories are doing fine, except for the potty; that row is still empty!

Mommy decides to re-introduce potty to me at a later time because I kept telling her, "No pee in potty. NO!" Better luck next round, Mommy.