Hey everyone! I am selected from over 200 photos to be among the Top 10 babies competing in the "Cover Baby Contest" for the magazine, 妈妈宝贝!
This was the picture that Mommy sent. But I don't think this picture do me any justice. It looks as if I am a melancholic baby who is very "tao"!

But actually I am a happy-go-lucky baby who has smiles and laughter that can melt your hearts.

Please support me by voting for me if you are a....
1) baby, because I am cute and you know that coz you are a smart baby.
2) male toddler, because I am not only cute but I am also funny and I might potentially be your future gf.
3) man, because I am not only cute and funny, but I also happen to have a pretty and sexy Mommy who might go on a dinner date with you to thank you for voting.
4) woman, because I am not only cute and funny, but I also happen to have a handsome and smart Daddy who might buy you a drink to thank you for voting me.
Voting is simple. Just get your hands on the Dec/Jan issue of the magazine. Turn to the page featuring this contest, cut out my picture, paste it on the back of any envelop and send it to the following address. (see picture below)

So hurry, vote for me. This contest closed 15th January 2009.BIG THANK YOU!!! MUACK!! MUACK!!