Birthday means cake & toys & toys & toys & toys!!!!
I am wishing for....
"Wonder Wheel" from Tiny Love or "Discover & Play" car mirror from Baby Einstein, so I wouldn't get bored when I am strapped to my car seat.

"My Very Own Farm Set" by Softplay. Didn't you know that all babies look up to Old Mac Donald because he had a farm?!

"Elmo Live" by Fisher Price. He not only talk, he cracks jokes, waves, sit & stands. He is way too cool!! Watch him.

"Winnie The Pooh - Slide 'n Learn Storybook" by VTech. Everybody love a good story-teller, don't you agree?

I want a cute thermal flask. I am still a baby and the plain silver thermal flask is just too boring. And also cute design scoop bib, if not I am not going to wear any bib at all!
Please don't ask my parents about what presents I like, they will tell you the most boring and totally not innovative stuff like, Pampers and Milk Powder Formula etc. Adults, they are so predictable.
Oh, if you are invited to my party, you must come and have a good time with me. Come on, how many times can I have a first birthday, right!?
So sorry, aunty is unable to go to ur birthday ( i think ur mom wil sure invite me if I am available, hor mummy?) Wat do u want for ur birthday? Aunty buy for u from US..
happy birthday Little Laetitia, may you always be happy and healthy, bringing lots of joy to the people who loves you dearly...
It's ok Aunt Mel Mel, when you return to Singapore, you will be invited to my birthday every year... hmm... probably right until I am 18!
Oh, can I have Emily as my pressie, since you ask. LOL!!
Mommy wants your address in US, she wants to send something over for X'mas. Pls email your address to her at myokiki@yahoo.com.sg.
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