We went to many places for visiting and to collect 'ang pao'! But I am more interested in the mandarin oranges than the red packets coz I could throw them around like balls!
See, 'er gu po' has so many oranges at home! Oh, I am so busy rearranging the oranges!
The mission for CNY is to eat as much junks as my tummy can hold as well as to collect as many 'ang pao' as possible.

See, not bad huh. My "earnings" for running 6 places today!

And if you are wondering why there is a redish purple patch on my left cheek, I fell down earlier, in a relative's home after stepping on my own pants. Mommy thinks the bruise will get worst by tomorrow. What a way to start the new year!
She look so cute in the outfit, btw I'm not big fan of such outfit n she look good in it.. maybe i shld dress my kids in these next year...
also next yr you can come to Aunty Mel's place to get more ang bao k, I'll get more aunties to come so u can 1 bird kill alot of stones .. heehee...
btw.. Gong xi Fa Cai to u, ur mummy and daddy.. Huat ah!
Yeah! Next yr, I can go play with kor kor and mei mei!!
Happy New Year and wan si ru yi to Aunty Mel & everyone at home!
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