Sunday, April 12, 2009

Visiting A Piece of Mommy's Past

Last Thur evening, we went to EN Dining Bars which is along Mohamed Sultan Road for Japanese dinner.

Look behind me, those rows of shophouses used to be Mommy's favourite hangouts when she was younger. She told me that she was visiting clubs like Madam Wong and Dajie almost close to 4 times a week. And often she would be so drunk that she can't remember how she eventually got home.

This is the canal that Mommy's friends would hate because when Mommy was drunk she would refuse to go home and insist to come to this canal, along Gallery Hotel, to sober up by puking into the river.

Mommy's good friend like Auntie Candy and Auntie Janet would stay by her to make sure that she wouldn't jump into the river. Can you believe that was how my Mommy was when she was younger? Oh... So scary!!

But my Mommy has changed, she had finally grown up after having me. Hehehe...

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