One day, I broke a glass jar and Mommy was upset with me for playing in the kitchen and breaking something, so she couldn't stop lecturing me even when she was sweeping the floor. She told me that when I am older in the future, I will have to clear my own mess and not rely on her to clean up my "shit".
So the next day, I decided to show her that I am a responsible toddler by picking up those mini broom and dust pan that she used for sweeping the kitchen floor, to do some sweeping of my own.
And you know what!? Instead of being pleased with me, Mommy took the broom and pan away from me and carried me out of the kitchen, while saying, "Aiyo, the broom might have fragments of glass lah, Baby!!" I was totally confused; didn't she say that I must clean up my own mess, just yesterday?!
In order for me to stay out of the kitchen, they (Mommy & Daddy) had installed baby gate at the kitchen's entrance. But I kept whining when Mommy is in the kitchen while I am being kept out. Mommy thought that I might really like the kitchen quite a fair bit, so she bought me my own mini kitchen set.
Daddy thought my kitchen set is too small, he likes the kitchen set (see picture below) from ELC but Mommy thinks it is total madness to spend over $200 on a toy kitchen set when she can get mine at only $29.90!

Mommy thinks that what matter most, is that she finds quality time to accompany me and not spend all the money in the world to buy me lots of toys or expensive toys, just so as to keep me occupied.
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