Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another Milestone

Last Friday afternoon, Mommy and I reached a new milestone! We made it to Orchard Rd.

No, it's not like I have never been to Orchard Rd before; I had, but it was a milestone for us because we went there on our own, in PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!

Yes, public transport. A bus to be exact. And if you are already a mom, you should know that's not an easy task! Especially if you have a super active baby, like me!!

Just how difficult can it be right?

Try changing my diaper while I practice my "mountain climbing" skill on the changing tables! It's enough to make some mothers swear to themselves that they will never bring their babies out alone anymore.

Wherever Mommy went, she gets questions like, "You bring her out alone ar? Where's your maid?" Well, you said it, she is a maid, not our shadows, she don't have to be around wherever we go. Most importantly we totally enjoyed ourselves.

And Mommy read somewhere that you can burn over 100 calories per hour just by carrying a baby and walking around. So she had burnt up some 400 calories or more that day. That's quite a workout!

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